Our research interest is the integration of different areas of expertise to answer important biological questions. A special focus lies on the reconstruction of evolutionary history, especially, the development of phylogenetic methods and complex models and their application to large and complex datasets. Refer to the Research section for more details.

Welcome to CIBIV!

Please note:
Arndt von Haeseler will retire from his position and will no longer accept students.

Postal Address:
Center for Integrative Bioinformatics Vienna (CIBIV)
Max Perutz Labs
Dr. Bohr Gasse 9

A-1030 Wien, Austria

Physical Address:
Campus Vienna BioCenter 5
VBC5, Ebene 1

A-1030 Wien, Austria

Phone: ++43 +1 / 4277-74320

Email: admin.vbc5(AT)univie.ac.at


CIBIV is part of Max Perutz Labs.



It is a joint research platform of University of Vienna and Medical University of Vienna.